We recommend setting up gifts through one of the ways below! If you have any further questions, please feel free to email finance@austinstone.org. We can help you manage your giving. You can also contact your congregation pastor for more information about ABLE.
Giving via check is our preferred method of giving for large gifts because it eliminates processing fees.
If you would like to give via check, please make the check out to “The Austin Stone Community Church." Make sure to include “ABLE Fund” in the memo, and mail to the church’s office:
The Austin Stone Community Church
ATTN: Finance
104 E Highland Mall Blvd, Suite 110
Austin, TX 78752
Giving through Pushpay is encouraged if you will be making recurring payments to the ABLE Fund on a monthly or weekly basis.
To maximize the amount of your gift, please give via ACH rather than credit card. Pushpay only charges 1% for ACH while the average fee for credit cards is 2.5-3.5%.
The church is set up as a charitable entity with most of the major brokers.
Please have them send any distributions to the church's address listed above, and make sure to include “ABLE Fund” in the memo.
If you need assistance setting the church up with your broker, please email finance@austinstone.org.
Giving appreciated securities like stock or mutual funds often allows you to maximize your giving!
If you'd like more information about giving stock or mutual funds, please email finance@austinstone.org.
God has moved in mighty ways in and through The Austin Stone over the last two decades. We believe He is still moving, and we are prayerfully seeking direction and confirmation from the Holy Spirit to guide us in our steps. We also recognize that Austin is rapidly changing and growing. Opportunities that exist now will not exist in the years - or even months - to come, especially regarding having a physical location for our church. The ABLE Campaign is our response to a recognized need to accelerate our efforts to be in a better position for ministry in Austin in the years and decades to come.
By making more room in our buildings, budget, and balance sheet, we’ll also be able to:
We believe ABLE is how God will empower us to get up to the speed that will carry us to 2030.
For almost a decade, we have actively looked and prayed for a permanent home for our South Congregation. In 2021, an opportunity presented itself, and in God's timing, a generous partner facilitated our purchasing of the land. We were in the middle of Covid, meaning a large-scale fundraising effort would have been untimely, so we financed the remaining cost. Interest rates have rapidly increased since we broke ground on the project, but we are able to faithfully service the debt as part of our regular budget.
Part of Able’s goal is to pay off this debt so that we can free up more cash flow and room for short-term financing to invest in other congregation locations with Able pledges. Paying off this debt will allow us to accelerate the timeline of building goals for other locations.
As of February 12, $34.8 million has been committed to be given over a three-year period. We are hopeful that our 3,000+ partners will help us raise the remaining amount.