Marriage Ministry at The Austin Stone

Helping marriages flourish for the glory of God

What is Marriage Ministry?

Marriage Ministry at The Austin Stone is passionate about God’s design for marriage—a covenantal relationship between one man and one woman where each spouse experiences love, intimacy, and growth while reflecting the beauty of the gospel. Through premarital and marriage mentoring, classes, and events, Marriage Ministry aims to support couples and see their relationships flourish.

What We Do

Premarital Mentoring Program

The Premarital Mentoring Program is an eight-session course in which newly-engaged couples walk through Marriage Mentoring alongside a married mentor couple. Mentor couples are committed to seeing relationships flourish and providing a safe place for couples to be honest and ask for help when it's needed as they prepare to enter into this covenantal relationship. 

What We Do

Premarital Mentoring Program

The Premarital Mentoring Program is an eight-session course in which newly-engaged couples walk through Marriage Mentoring alongside a married mentor couple. Mentor couples are committed to seeing relationships flourish and providing a safe place for couples to be honest and ask for help when it's needed as they prepare to enter into this covenantal relationship. 

Marriage Mentoring Workbook

Marriage Mentoring is an eight-part workbook designed to help couples who are serious about shaping—or perhaps reshaping—their marriages into something sturdy, meaningful, and good. Utilized in both our Premarital Mentoring Program and marital mentoring, this resource aims to enrich marriages through Scripture studies, counseling activities, and more.


Whether your marriage needs to be reignited or needs a complete resurrection, ReEngage is a safe place for couples to reconnect. This 15-week course includes weekly teachings and testimonies from couples who have experienced victory through hard times and small-group discussion that follows a specified curriculum.


Ministry Director

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Marriage Ministry at The Austin Stone Downtown

For more information on Marriage Ministry at our Downtown Campus, contact Scott Hekman.


Marriage Ministry at The Austin Stone North

For more information on Marriage Ministry at our North Campus, contact Brian Benkendorfer.


Marriage Ministry at The Austin Stone Northwest

For more information on Marriage Ministry at our Northwest Campus, contact Kyle Hoover.


Marriage Ministry at The Austin Stone South

For more information on Marriage Ministry at our South Campus, contact Josh Hunter.


Marriage Ministry at The Austin Stone St. John

For more information on Marriage Ministry at our St. John Campus, contact John Yeng.

St. John

Marriage Ministry at The Austin Stone West

For more information on Marriage Ministry at our West Campus, contact Justin Dunton.



Looking for more information about Marriage Ministry? Contact your congregation's ministry director!

Ministry Directors



Scott Hekman

Congregation Executive Pastor


Brian Benkendorfer

Congregation Executive Pastor


Kyle Hoover

Congregation Executive Pastor


Josh Hunter

Congregation Pastor
St. John


John Yeng

Congregation Pastor


Justin Dunton

Congregation Executive Pastor



Brian Benkendorfer

Congregation Executive Pastor

Justin Dunton

Congregation Executive Pastor

Scott Hekman

Congregation Executive Pastor

Kyle Hoover

Congregation Executive Pastor

John Yeng

Congregation Pastor

Frequently Asked Questions

Can couples complete premarital counseling before they’re engaged?

Yes! If you’re looking toward marriage but are not yet engaged, you can still participate in premarital counseling.

We don’t attend The Austin Stone, my financé lives out of the area, or we have less than eight weeks before our wedding. What should we do for premarital counseling?

If you don’t attend The Austin Stone, require virtual counseling accommodations, or have strict scheduling conflict, we encourage you to request a session with Austin Stone Counseling!

Can an Austin Stone pastor officiate my wedding if this is a remarriage for one or both of us?

We’d love to speak with you! Because we adhere to the teaching of God’s Word, we’ll base the decision on whether or not we can perform your wedding on prayerful study of the biblical principles for divorce and the freedom to remarry according to 1 Corinthians 7, Matthew 5:31-32, Mark 10:11-12, and Luke 16:17-18.

How can I get an Austin Stone pastor to officiate my wedding?

If you attend The Austin Stone, you can request a pastor to officiate your wedding after you’ve enrolled in the Premarital Mentoring Program and been matched with a mentor couple. From there, you’ll receive a link to our Officiate Request Form. If you do not attend The Austin Stone, you can submit a request for a pastor to officiate your wedding.

Is there something we didn’t cover that you’d like to know more about?

Use the contact button to send us any questions you may have!

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