Have you ever noticed how it is far easier for us to care about things that we’re intimately familiar with than the things we’re more distant from?
That’s not by mistake.
Each one of us was created in the image of a God who loves intimacy—who deeply values getting to know us profoundly. We reflect that part of His nature in the difficulty we feel when we try to love that which we do not know. As His children, we were never intended to keep each other at arm’s length. We were crafted to enter into the grit of life together, always pointing back to the great Unifier.
This idea of interconnectedness in the body of Christ doesn’t simply apply to the congregants of a church. It’s all-encompassing and extends past the people of the church to the leaders who care for the bride of Jesus from the pulpit and behind the scenes. God doesn’t want us to just have familiarity with our leaders. He doesn’t want us to recognize their faces and names and not have an understanding of who they are. He wants us to be intimately connected with them.
The task may not always be easy. But, it is necessary. As a church, we recognized this and created the Church Leadership Series to open a door for its people to better know and love its leaders. In the first video of this ongoing series, Dr. Kevin Peck, Lead Pastor of The Austin Stone, sits down with Ross Lester, Pastor of Preaching and West Congregation Pastor, to talk about Ross’ life upbringing, and commitment to serve as a member of the body of Christ and a leader at the church.