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May 15, 2021
December 20, 2024

That You May Bear Fruit

When I started Goer Missional Community (GMC) this past fall, I began praying for the Lord to provide someone that I could read the Bible with. I would go out weekly and meet many people, but most of the spiritual conversations did not lead to second meetings. I was disheartened that God was not listening to my prayers; I didn’t know what my purpose was in going out to the harvest without seeing any fruit. During our group prayer three times per week, I constantly asked God to put a woman in my life that I could read and study the Bible with.

I remember God teaching me through John 15:4 which says, “No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” I quickly realized that I was trying to produce fruit on my own, instead of trusting in the vine. I wanted so badly to find someone to read with, that I was forgetting to truly abide in Jesus myself.

As I was driving home from work one day, I received a phone call from a woman I had met in the apartment complex across the street. She asked when I was going to come by to see her again and she shared that she wanted to deepen her understanding of God in the new year. I asked her if she wanted to read the Bible together since that is where I learn more about God and she immediately said yes! I was so surprised in that moment and was thankful to God for clearly answering my specific prayer. I’ve been able to read the Bible with this woman over the past five months. She has understood her need for a Savior and wants out of her brokenness. I pray that the Holy Spirit will move in her life to free her from her brokenness.

I’ve learned to rely more fully on God to move in His timing, and not my own. My flesh wants to control when and where I see fruit in my life. It’s really easy to fall into thinking that I have to work harder to produce more fruit. But the truth is that God is the vine who provides the nutrients to the branch in order to produce fruit. So if we are not constantly in prayer with Him and reliant on Him to provide the nutrients, we can do nothing. God has chosen and appointed us to bear much fruit. And he tells us that whatever we ask in Jesus’ name He will provide (John 15:16). My prayers to Him do not go unheard, even if they seem unanswered.

Through this past season of being a part of GMC and leading a Disciple-Making Intensive, prayer has become the most important aspect of my walk with the Lord. I recognize more than ever that God wants us to reach out to Him for help in all circumstances. My prayer life has grown abundantly through meeting together corporately before the sun comes up to adore God, confess sins, give thanks, and ask God to supply. Through these experiences, I have learned in every season that I am completely reliant on God in prayer.

This article originally appeared in the Summer 2021 edition of the Field Memo. Read more stories from this edition here.

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