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July 28, 2016
March 14, 2025

How to Fight the Sin of Pride

As worship leaders, we all battle with pride in one way or another.  How do we fight it? In this video, Jaleesa McCreary shares how to fight the sin of pride.


Jaleesa McCreary: The way that I battle pride is first, to reflect on my story. I remember what God has done from day one of life to what I’m doing now and where He has me now.  I wasn’t always a worship leader. I wasn’t always a believer.  So, being reminded of the grace God has poured out on my life is a sure-fire way to remind me to be humble, because it’s not by anything that I did on my own. I could have never done anything to get where I am or to know Jesus. These are things that He has done being a kind and good Father.

The second is, being in the word. Reading scripture and being reminded of the power of God and the authority of God and that the only reason I have any power and any authority is because He has given it to me, as an ambassador for His name’s sake and for His kingdom. This reminds me that I need to be humble when I’m leading, having a conversation with someone or anytime I’m in front of people. I want to first be humbled before God.

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Jaleesa McCreary
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Austin Stone Creative
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