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August 21, 2017
January 16, 2025

Proclaim the Excellencies of the Excellent One

Marcus Dawes speaks on 1 Peter 2 and how it shapes the culture of excellence at Austin Stone Worship. We strive for excellence because Jesus is first and foremost excellent.

Here are some of the main points:

  • “The greatest story ever told, and it happened to you!”
  • “Jesus is excellent and he’s worth pointing people towards.”


We’re in a series right now in 1 Peter and the question is ‘why strive for excellence?’

Why do we strive for excellence? Well Jesus is excellent and he’s worth pointing people towards. And He’s worth striving for excellence because He is excellent, so that’s why we strive for excellence.

Right now in 1 Peter, we just had this sermon – 1 Peter 2:9 says this; I want you to hear this, this is who you are. This is who we all are.

“You are a chosen race you are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, you’re God’s special possession, you are sons and daughters – God’s special possession that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him – Jesus who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession –  Why are you that? So that you can what? – Do something. So that you can proclaim the excellence of who? Jesus, who called you out darkness and into marvelous light. It’s the most amazing story that’s ever happened to us, amen?

It’s the most amazing story that has ever happened to us. We were once in darkness, now we’re walking in light! No one, nothing, could ever have changed that for you or me – only the One who called us out of darkness and into marvelous light and that is Jesus, the Excellent One. Notice that Peter does not say this:

“You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession. Be perfect. Accomplish this, worship leader. Do this, so much so that everyone else sees it.”

He doesn’t say anything of the sort, but He gives you one task – one task and that’s to praise Him, proclaim Him and His excellencies. Jesus, the One who called you, the One who gave you the best future ever! Jesus, the One who called you out of darkness into marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are somebody. Once you didn’t have mercy, and now you receive it all the time!

This is who we are to proclaim, so in light of that – that’s why we have a culture of excellence. It’s the greatest story ever written on our hearts. We now have a hope, a future because of this, right? It’s worth proclaiming! It’s worth telling about, so why tell a shoddy story? Why do it half way? Why do it in a sloppy manner? Why be apathetic about that?

It’s the greatest story ever told, and it happened to you!

You were in darkness, now you’re in light.

You once had no mercy. Without even asking for it you’re given mercy.

So why not proclaim His excellencies in an excellent manner?

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Marcus Dawes
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Austin Stone Creative