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July 28, 2020
December 20, 2024

Why I Stay

“I stay because the Lord desires that none would perish. The Great Commission has an end, let it be hastened!” (R, Southeast Asia)

“I stay because God keeps providing the grace and desire to stay.” (C, Middle East-North Africa)

“I stay because there are so, so many who are lost without Christ. God has called me to share His truth with some of them. I stay because He is worthy to forsake comfort at home and to do the hard things for the sake of His gospel.” (K, Europe)

“We stay because we want to see the gospel go to the unreached for the glory of God. We stay because there is unsurpassable joy and nearness to God that is only experienced within His will/calling for our lives. We share in His sufferings and attain resurrection life!” (J, Southeast Asia)

“I stay because I long to be the wise and faithful servant that Jesus is looking for and hopes to find when He comes back.” (C, Southeast Asia)

“I stay simply out of obedience. He guided us here years ago and continues to guide our decision to stay today. Who knows about tomorrow, but for today I stay.” (G, Southeast Asia)

“I stay because of the joy found in obedience—not because of my own strength, but a daily reliance on Christ and His unwavering presence.” (M, Southeast Asia)

“There are still millions of people being born, living, and dying with limited to zero access to the gospel. This is heartbreaking! But this fact is also what God uses in my life to keep me on the field and dependent on Him.” (D, Southeast Asia)

“I stay because I have seen God’s power to transform the hearts of unreached refugees who are hopeless, homeless, and trapped in poverty. I have been in a room where five people professed faith at the same time. One of them is now sharing back in his home country.” (A, Central Asia)

“I stay because this is the path that Jesus is on with me. Sometimes I want to leave, sometimes I wonder if I heard right, but Jesus has always gently kept me walking forward with him. One day I will leave the field, and that will not be failure as long as I follow Jesus.” (T, Middle East-North Africa)

“I stay because I am called to proclaim His excellencies among the nations and the joy it is to see His power transform the lives of both believers and the unreached.” (K, Southeast Asia)

“We stay because God has continued to affirm our calling to serve in Southeast Asia. I love the team we serve on and getting to work alongside national believers and seeing the Lord transform their hearts to love and want to share the good news of Jesus with Muslims.” (L, Southeast Asia)

“I stay because I get to experience God in new and exciting ways.” (M, Europe)

“We stay because of love—love of Jesus, love of the gospel—and we feel like this is the best place to use our gifts to further the Great Commission.” (K, Europe)

“We stay because that is what God is leading us to do.” (J, Europe)

“Christ has not yet returned; therefore, the task is not yet done.” (E, Southeast Asia)

“I stay because God is moving, the work is not done, and who else will tell the people here the good news of Jesus?” (P, East Asia)

“I stay because the call from God to go is still there; and the rest of my life is dedicated to go to the unreached.” (S, East Asia)

“I stay because this has been my calling for the past 16 years. Every single one of those years are filled with testimonies of lives transformed and knowing more about the heart of God through partnering with His spirit in missions.” (B, Oceania)

“I stay because, as each year passes, I see with greater clarity the faithfulness of God to call His children home. As He has called me to serve the lost, I have also seen Him provide everything I need to fulfill that call. He is both the Lord of the Harvest and my Good Shepherd.” (S, Oceania)

“1 Thessalonians 2:19-20 'For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you? For you are our glory and joy.' We consider it part of our glory and joy to be a part of God’s mission, and we want to pursue that for as long as He will have us.” (P, Latin America)

“I stay because God has called me to take the gospel to the nations until all have heard—the task still remains!” (J, Southeast Asia)

“I stay because He alone is worthy of my entire life. He has called us here, He is faithful to enlarge His kingdom in and through us, and because I want to follow Him when, where, and how He directs us. Always.” (B, Central Asia)

“I stay because HE is Worthy of it ALL. He gave up everything to live a life with nowhere to lay His head, He left His home and family to rescue ME! I also consider the cloud of witnesses who did not think of the land from which they had gone out.” (M, Central Asia)

“I stay because I am gripped by my calling and I trust where God places me.” (K, East Asia)

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Goer from The Austin Stone
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