North Parent-Child Dedication Class

During this class, we’ll walk through what it looks like to help your child grow up in a gospel-centered environment and how you can lead your child to know and believe the gospel!

After completing the class, our church family celebrates the partnership between new parents and the church through an event called Parent-Child Dedication! At these events, we thank God for the gift of new family members, celebrate the parents’ public declaration to raise their child in the gospel, and commit as a church to support and partner with these parents in their calling! While anyone is welcome to take the class, in order to participate in the dedication, you must be a partner of The Austin Stone.

By signing up for this Parent-Child Dedication Class, you're not signing up for the dedication celebration. The class is a required step before you can participate in the Parent-Child Dedication.

Note: While we allow anyone to take the class, we only allow partners of The Austin Stone to dedicate their children. If you're not a partner, you'll need to go through the partnership process before dedicating. If needed, we can send you more information on this process.