Southeast Asia Conference

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Trip Information

Serve goers at a conference in Southeast Asia this spring by discipling kids, leading worship, or teaching the Bible! This conference provides goers with the time and space to receive necessary care, teaching, counseling, equipping, and fellowship so they can continue persevering in the field. As a volunteer, you contribute to their refreshment in ministry work!

We have three ways you can serve:

  1. Volunteer with Kids Programming - While adults worship and sit under teaching together, their kids will be with the volunteers learning about Jesus! Providing childcare is a huge blessing to our goers for their rest and renewal while also serving as a pathway to family discipleship.
  2. Help Lead Worship - Goers deeply miss worshiping with other believers in their heart language as they don't often have opportunities to gather together. Leading worship is a great way to serve our goers in their heart languages of English and Spanish.
  3. Teach During Sessions - Rich theological teaching is a refreshment to goers, and teaching at these conferences is a great way we can help equip them for the work of ministry. If you're interested in teaching, we'd love to chat with you!

For more details on each role, click the button below!



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