Women's Mentorship Network

We’ve all been there—churning the thought that says, “I just want someone to help me know what to do next.” Maybe it’s prompted by the realization that you’re up against your limits—a new stage of life, change in vocation, conflict in relationships. How should the gospel shape how you walk in this? Or maybe it’s a stirring in your spirit toward deeper intimacy with and obedience to Jesus. But how do you pursue Him? 

There’s a long list of reasons why we need each other in life and discipleship, and community can take many beautiful forms. But sometimes we need the perspective, challenge, and encouragement of a woman walking just a few steps ahead—a mentor. We need someone to help us see clearly, to remind us of the way, and most importantly, to point us to Jesus no matter what life looks like.

Are you looking to be a voice of perspective, challenge, and encouragement to another woman in our church? We know it can be intimidating to consider, but we are confident you’re more equipped to be a mentor than you may think, simply because you are walking with Jesus. And we are committed to walking alongside you—the mentor—in the process.

The Women’s Mentorship Network exists to know, support, equip, and connect women in our church as mentors so that more women can flourish in the gospel together.

Please review this overview of the Women’s Mentorship Network before becoming a mentor or requesting a mentor.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I’m qualified to be a mentor in the Women’s Mentorship Network? 

Are you a follower of Jesus and believe His Gospel? Are you a partner at The Austin Stone? Then we believe you’re qualified to be a mentor! While certain experiences and life stages may be helpful to mentorship relationships, they’re not what qualifies you. More than anything else, your mentee needs help applying the truth of the gospel to any life circumstances. You are already equipped with that if you’re in Christ and are just as in need of the gospel yourself!

What if I’m already mentoring someone? 

We love that you’re already mentoring! We still encourage you to join the network. The Women’s Mentorship Network exists to care for, support, and resource you in all your mentoring endeavors. But if we don’t know you’re mentoring someone, we can’t do our job well. We will never assume you’re available to be introduced to a prospective mentee without confirming with you! 

How do I know if being mentored through the Women's Mentorship Network is a good next step for me? 

Do you find yourself in a season of needing a little help to know what’s next? Or are you hungry for an intentional time of growing in intimacy with and obedience to Jesus? If you can answer “yes” to either of these questions and you’re a partner at The Austin Stone who’s already participating in a community group, requesting to be mentored is a great next step for you.

What is the process for introducing mentors to mentees? 

We take a detailed look at mentor and mentee applications to find the best possible introduction based on the preferences and circumstances you include in your application. We also try to prioritize introducing you with someone at your congregation, but in some cases, we may make introductions across different congregations if the fit seems best.

How long does mentorship typically last? 

Mentorship relationships are meant to be seasonal. The length of the mentorship relationship is determined and agreed upon between the mentor and mentee during their first meetings together, and we encourage periodic evaluation.

What resources do you provide to help mentors and mentees? 

Perhaps the most important part of joining the network is gaining access to other mentors at your congregation for connection and equipping. Additionally, our Mentor Guide will help mentors and mentees walk through their first few meetings to get to know one another and clarify expectations. Mentors also get access to a bank of curated resources to support the mentor’s and mentee’s needs across the course of their mentorship relationship.

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