Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us. (Ephesians 3:20 ESV)

Aug 17, 2014
Sep 1, 2014
0 Sermons Given
Books of The Bible
1 John

Far More

Over the last 12 years, God has done far more than we could have ever imagined for His own glory. Yet, we believe that God is able to do even far more through The Austin Stone. We want to see more of Jesus, more of His work. We want to see more of His glory. So let’s strive together to be a church that impacts eternity.

Therefore, no matter where you are, we want everyone to take a step in faithfulness, toward their involvement and investment in advancing the mission of this church.

Over the last 12 years, God has done far more than we could have ever imagined for His own glory. Yet, we believe that God is able to do even far more through The Austin Stone. We want to see more of Jesus, more of His work. We want to see more of His glory. So let’s strive together to be a church that impacts eternity.

Therefore, no matter where you are, we want everyone to take a step in faithfulness, toward their involvement and investment in advancing the mission of this church.


Far More

Over the last 12 years, God has done far more than we could have ever imagined for His own glory. Yet, we believe that God is able to do even far more through The Austin Stone. We want to see more of Jesus, more of His work. We want to see more of His glory. So let’s strive together to be a church that impacts eternity.

Step 6

Step 6

Check out your congregation's Good Friday and Easter Sunday service times! 
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