We’ve created a guide to help you imagine what Austin might look like in the future if we begin to embrace this vision He’s given us now. This isn't a tactical manual; it won’t unpack every step of how you’ll live out the Joyfully Devoted vision in your life. But it will introduce you to some ways we believe God is calling us to be faithful, joyful disciples over the next seven years and beyond.
As part of Joyfully Devoted, we’re placing an emphasis on the health of our congregations—ensuring that they are established, far-reaching, and united in mission.
As we considered the future God has for our church, a reinvigorated and reimagined desire to be welcoming witnesses for the kingdom was ignited.
We believe that every person has a role to play and is being awakened and deployed into their callings in the church, city, nations, home, or marketplace.
We want to invest our time and resources for ministry beyond our lifetimes—a multi-generational impact.
As part of Joyfully Devoted, we’re placing an emphasis on the health of our congregations—ensuring that they are established, far-reaching, and united in mission.
As we considered the future God has for our church, a reinvigorated and reimagined desire to be welcoming witnesses for the kingdom was ignited.
We want to invest our time and resources for ministry beyond our lifetimes—a multi-generational impact.
We want to invest our time and resources for ministry beyond our lifetimes—a multi-generational impact.
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