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April 17, 2022
January 16, 2025
Sermon Series

A Hope Resilient

You are not here! The rock sealed You for three days but You seal us forevermore! Our mighty Fortress, our Cornerstone! Now, we are a chosen race!

You are not here! The iron that punctured Your skin unleashes the flood of our salvation! Our Lamb of God, our Lion of Judah! Now, we are a royal priesthood!

You are not here! The tree that bore Your body now shades us from the sting of death! Our Resurrected King, our fount of Life! Now, we are a holy nation!

And now? We can see. Wherever we go, whatever we do, You are there. Speaking, fighting, defeating darkness for us.

We are now a people of Your own possession and You are with us always until the end of the age. Our resilient Hope.

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