We are absolutely reliant on prayer. Prayer is our personal and corporate communion with God that expresses and increases our trust in Him. God commands us to pray and always uses our prayers to do far more than we could ask or imagine. Jesus taught us how to pray—that while He is God, we can go to Him as a child goes to his father. We pray, not to bend His will to ours, but so that our will may bend to His. We pray to get God, not God’s things, for He is our highest goal, prize, and treasure. As a church, our prayer since the beginning has been this: “God, would you do something so great that no one could take credit for it but You.” God has answered that prayer, doing too many great things for anyone in our church to take credit for. But we are not done praying. We pray, “Lord, please don’t be done with us! Do more! Abundantly more! So that we can see You get more glory!”
Matthew 6:5-15; Romans 8:26-28; Ephesians 3:14-4:1; Philippians 4:6-7; 1 Peter 5:6-7