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January 17, 2023
September 10, 2024

Where Your Treasure Is

“Don’t store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves don’t break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  (Matthew 6:19–21 CSB)

Of all the times Jesus speaks on money—which is quite a lot—this passage is one of the most well-known. Most people, including non-Christians, can finish the phrase “where your treasure is” without hesitation. The statement stands out and sticks with us because of how simple and true it is. If I want to know what I value most, what my heart longs for most, I only need to look at where I am spending my time, money, and other resources.

In January and February, The Austin Stone will preach through a series titled “God & Money.” Our prayer as a church is that this series would lead you to greater worship and greater freedom in Christ as we understand the opportunities and dangers that money poses to our spiritual, emotional, and physical lives.

As an equipping ministry, our prayer and hope at The Austin Stone Institute is that you would not only hear the truth of God about money on Sundays, but that you also would take steps to obey whatever God calls you to through the sermon series. That’s why I want to encourage you now, before your spring calendar fills, to join us for both the God & Money sermon series on Sundays and one of the four-week classes happening in February.These classes, available at each of our congregations, include teaching and table and group discussions on the topic of money. They also feature case studies and opportunities to examine your budget and financial statements as we all together work toward greater financial health, freedom, and stewardship. Whether you have and maintain a budget each month or not, this class will provide the space and encouragement to see where your treasure is and to evaluate whether that is an accurate reflection of what you truly value and love.

Check out the dates and times your congregation is offering the God & Money class, and prayerfully consider joining us. Let’s all take a step together toward putting our treasure where we want it to go.

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John Murchison
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Austin Stone Institute
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