College Ministry at The Austin Stone

Seeking to see communities of college students transformed by the gospel and helping equip them for the glory of Jesus

What is College Ministry?

College Ministry at The Austin Stone creates spaces for college students' love of God, the church, the city, and the nations to flourish. Through groups, events, curated resources, and discipleship programs, we strive to equip college students to grow as disciples for the glory of Jesus.

What We Do

College-aged men and women have historically been on the front lines of church revival, and what happens in a student’s time in college could genuinely change the world. Our mission is to equip college students to be lifelong disciple-makers for the glory of God. While we primarily work on campus at The University of Texas, we're eager to help college students across our city to know and enjoy Jesus.

What We Do

College-aged men and women have historically been on the front lines of church revival, and what happens in a student’s time in college could genuinely change the world. Our mission is to equip college students to be lifelong disciple-makers for the glory of God. While we primarily work on campus at The University of Texas, we're eager to help college students across our city to know and enjoy Jesus.


Ministry Director

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College Ministry at The Austin Stone Downtown

We worship alongside our church family on Sunday mornings across multiple Austin Stone locations, but we mainly gather at the Downtown Campus! During the week, we gather in small-group settings that meet throughout Austin in college students’ apartments, houses, dorms, and campus facilities. These groups typically share meals together, read the Bible, pray, and enjoy doing life in Austin with one another. We have co-ed, guys, and girls groups that college students can join at any time throughout the semester!



Ministry Directors



Walt Lengel

Spiritual Formation Director



Marcus Schlauch

College Resident

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of events do you host throughout the year?

College Ministry’s events are designed to teach, equip, and encourage college students with the gospel. We have a variety of events throughout the year like nights of worship, service opportunities, equipping classes, retreats, and so much more! For more information on upcoming events, check out our Instagram page @college_austinstone.

I’m a graduate student. Can I still be a part of College at The Austin Stone?

If you’re between 18 and 22, we’d love to get you plugged into College Ministry! If you’re outside of that age range, we encourage you to reach out to Noël Handy to get connected to our Downtown Congregation.

You can also get involved with our ministry by serving as a Discipleship Coach! For more information or to apply to lead a group, click here.

I’m staying in Austin this summer. Will there still be College events?

While most College events happen during the school year, we’ll still host small summer hangouts and events for students participating in our summer groups. Each summer brings a variety of opportunities, such as short-term mission trips, development opportunities, and ways to serve and grow with our congregation.

Does College Ministry have any affiliation with other on-campus ministries?

We don’t have any affiliation with other on-campus ministries, nor are any under the leadership of Austin Stone staff. However, we do work closely with many of them and have students who participate or lead within those ministries!

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