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January 11, 2013
July 23, 2024
Film Stories

Not According to our Plans

"It's hard to admit to yourself that you're doubting the Lord."

Tim and Amanda, like many couples, had always wanted a child. After following the usual life steps of marriage, settling down, buying a home and starting careers, they thought that it was time to raise a family. During the process of pregnancy the Lord drastically changed their plans.

After being classified as a "High Risk" patient, Amanda Siek found her home in the hospital for over 3 months battling a complication that affects less than 1% of all births. Fighting for their marriage, and the life of their child in the midst uncertainty, Tim and Amanda cling to the Gospel and the plans the Lord has made for them.

In the midst of this fight, they find much needed love and support from their gospel community at Providence Church in Austin, TX.

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